Thursday, May 30, 2019

Internet of Things (IoT) : Our Next Revolutionary Resource

Internet of things is the next revolutionary resources of the industry today.

It was between 2008 and 2010 that the term IoT gained popularity and visibility. The buzz was due to the maturity of the Wireless Sensors Networks and the improved expectations about IoT. IoT’s big picture came into existence only in 2012 as mentioned by the area experts.

The worldwide spending on IoT and related field is on the rise and likely to surpass the US$1 trillion mark in 2022. There are multiple sectors that are sure to benefit from IoT solutions. These include manufacturing, networking, IT based companies and largely Electronics industry. IoT revolution has taken the start-ups by a storm. IoT start-ups are already solving some of the most challenging problems, enabling new business models and truly transforming industries that are involved with IoT the most.

Internet of things is going to be present everywhere. In Smart refrigerators/pantries that use weight-based sensors and re-order food items, Fitness trackers using GPS devices, smart homes where lights, heat and air conditioning are remotely controlled, Security systems with face and voice recognition to gain entry etc.

Electronics industry stands to gain the maximum from the IoT revolution. Electronics manufacturers have been connecting devices and appliances for years. VLSI and embedded systems companies like Intel, Cisco as well as IT companies like Microsoft, Google are going in a big way in IoT. It’s easy to see what a huge opportunity the connected home is creating for the electronics industry.

The NorthCap University,Gurugram is offering B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering with specialization in Internet of Things where students will be able to apply practical knowledge on IoT sensors, microcontrollers, networks, cloud computing and machine learning to develop IoT systems.

Dr. Rekha Vig

Associate Professor
EECE department

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